Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 1092

O sagovovidnykh iskopaemykh rastenijakh, najdennykh v oolitovykh kamenolomnjakh ostrova Portlenda [On the cycadaceous fossil plants found in the oolithic quarries of the Isle of Portland. Translated from English by A. Obodovsky]

At: St.-Petersburg, v tipografii N. Grecha By: Buckl.

O silurijskoj sisteme plastov v Estljandii [On the Silurian system of layers in Estland]

At: St.-Petersburg, [not specified] By: Eichw.

Oberrheinischer Fossilkatalog

At: Berlin, Verlag von Gebrüder Borntraeger By: Sal.-Calvi

Observations on fossil vegetables, accompanied by representations of their internal structure, as seen through the microscope

At: Edinburgh, William Blackwood

Observations sur les Fucoides, et sur quelques autres plantes marines fossiles

At: Paris, Imprimerie de J. Tastu By: Brongn.

Ocherk estestvennoj klassifikatsii rastenij

At: Saint-Petersburg, Izdanie L.N. Zhukovskoj By: Kirpot.

Ocherk neogena i rannego antropogena Poneman'ja [Sketch of the Neogene and the Early Antropogene of Neman river basin (by palaeocarpological evidence)]

At: Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika

Ocherki geologii i paleontologii Dal'nego Vostoka

At: Vladivostok, Dal'nevostochyj nauchnyj tsentr Akademii nauk SSSR By: Ablajev

Ocherki po geologii Kamchatki i Korjakskogo nagor'ja

At: Moscow, Nauka By: Pustcharovsk.

Oligotsenovaja flora Mugodzhar i Juzhnogo Altaja

At: Alma-Ata, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka" Kazakhskoj SSR By: Rajushk.

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