Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 1092

Om den geographiske beskaffenhed af de danske handelsdistriker i Nordrgönland tilligemed en Udsigt over Nordgrönlands geognosi

At: Kjöbenhavn, Trykt hos Kgl. hofbogtrykker B. Luno By: Rink

On a new species of Tempskya from Russia

At: St.-Petersburg, Tipografija Birkenfel'd By: Kidst.,Gwynne-Vaughan

On Cyclostigma, a new genus of fossil plants from the Old Red Sandstone of Kiltorcan, Co. Kilkenny

At: Dublin, Royal Dublin Society By: Haught.

On Metasequoia, fossil and living

At: Kyoto, Nippon Kôbutsu Shumi-no-kai By: Miki

On the Tertiary Fluvio-Marine Formation of the Isle of Wight

At: London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans By: E. Forbes

Opisanie okamenelykh derev'ev, sobrannykh preimushchestvenno na yuge Rossii

At: Khar'kov, v Universitetskoj Tipografii By: Krend.

Ordines Naturales Plantarum eorumque characteres et affinitates adjecta generum enumeratione

At: Göttingen, sumptibus Dieterichianus By: Bartl.

Ordovician-Devonian palynostratigraphy in Western Gondwana

At: Rio de Janeiro, UERJ/Faculdade de Geologia

Organic remains of a former world

At: London, printed by C. Whittingham, ... and published by J. Robson By: J. Parkinson

Origin and Early Diversification of Land Plants

At: Washington–London, Smithsonian Institution Press By: P.R. Crane,Kenrick

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