Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 1092

Deutschlands Petrefacten

At: Leipzig, Ambrosius Abel By: Giebel

Deuxième Congrès pour l'avancement des études de stratigraphie Carbonifère, Heerlen, Septembre 1935: Compte Rendu

At: Maestricht, Imprimerie Gebrs. van Aelst By: Jongm.

Developmental & Comparative Aspects of Plant Structure & Function

At: Allahabad, Society of Indian Plant Taxonomists [printed by Catholic Press, Ranchi, Bihar] By: D.D. Nautiyal

Devonian Floras

At: Cambridge, The University Press By: E. Arber

Devonskaja flora Bol'shogo Donbassa

At: Kiev, Naukova dumka By: T. Istchenko

Di due nuovi generi di piante fossili

At: Padova, G. B. Randi By: Vis.

Di un probabile agaricino miocenico

At: Padova, [Società Veneto-Trentino di Scienze Naturali Residente in Padova] By: Mesch.

Dictionnaire classique d'histoire naturelle

At: Paris, Rey et Gravier; Baudoin frères By: Bory

Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles

At: Strasbourg & Paris, F. G. Levrault By: Cuvier

Dictionnaire français illustré et encyclopédie universelle

At: Paris, Bureau de la Publication; M. Lévy frères, libraires

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