Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 1092

Resultati scientifici della missione alla Oasi di Giarabùb (1926 - 1927)

At: Roma (Pavia : Tipografia Succ. Fratelli Fusi), Reale Società Geografica Italiana

Retskaya flora severo-zapadnoj okrainy Donbassa

At: Kiev, Naukova dumka By: Stanisl.

Revisio Generum Plantarum

At: Leipzig, Arthur Felix By: Kuntze

Rod Tsuga Carr. v pliotsene i plejstotsene Zapadnoj Gruzii [Genus Tsuga Carr. in the Pliocene and the Pleistocene of Western Georgia]

At: Tbilisi, Metsniereba


At: Praha, Aventinum By: Novák

Rožšířený syllabus systému a fylogenese vyšších rostlin

At: Praha, Universita Karlova, Katedra Botaniky Přírodovědecké Fakulty By: Hendrych

Saggio fotografico di alcuni animali e piante fossili dell' agro Veronese

At: Veronae, ex typographia Vicentini-Franchini By: A. Massal.

Sammlung von Merckwürdigkeiten der Natur und den Alterthümern des Erdbodens

At: Nürnberg, Author [A. Bieling, typ.] By: Knorr

Sapindacearum fossilium monographia

At: Veronae, typis Ramanzinianis By: A. Massal.

Sarmatskaja flora Krynki

At: Moscow-Leningrad, Nauka By: Krysht.,Baikovsk.

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