Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 1092

Xiadong Diqu Zhendanji Zhi Erdieji Diceng Gushengwu [Sinian to Permian stratigraphy and palaeontology in the Xiadong area]

At: Beijing, Dizhi chubanshe [地質出版社]

Xiaoxinganling Dongnanbu Erdieji Zhiwuqun

At: Beijing, Kexue Chuban She By: B.-H. Huang

Xizang Gushengwu [Palaeontology of Xizang]

At: Beijing, Kexue chubanshe

Yabe kyōju kanreki kinenronbunshū

At: Sendai

Yunnan Zhongshengdai Huashi

At: Beijing, Kexue chubanshe

Zakonomernosti istoricheskogo razvitija organizmov (konodonty, foraminifery, rastenija, devonskie ryby)

At: Moscow, Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta By: Menner,Druzсzic

Zbirnyk prats, prysvjachenyj pam'jati akad. O. V. Fomina [Collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Academician O. V. Fomin]

At: Kiev, Vydavnytstvo Akademii Nauk URSR By: Holodn.

Zhizn' rastenij

At: Moscow, Izdateľstvo Prosveshchenie By: Takht.

Zhongguo bao fen hua shi

At: Beijing, Kexue chubanshe [Science Press]

Zhongguo Jiangxi er die ji zhi wu qun yan jiu

At: Xuzhou, Zhongguo kuang ye da xue chu ban she = China University of Mining and Technology Press

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