Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2025


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Total: 2281

infraspecies valid

Klukisporites variegatus Varietas aijaniae Nurmaschev Türkmen. SSR Ylymlar Akad. Habarlary, Ser. Fiz.-Tehn. Him. Geol. Ylyml., 1966, (3): 123. 25 Jun 1966

infraspecies unavailable

Vorcutannularia plicata Forma anguliplicata Neub. Trudy Geol. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (19): 72. 1960

infraspecies valid

Chrysophyllum pseudargenteum Varietas oblongum Hollick Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin Islands, 7(3): 220. 31 Oct 1928

infraspecies valid

Phragmicoma suborbiculata Varietas sinuata Casp. Neue Pflanzenr. Samländ. Bernstein 2. 30 Apr 1886

infraspecies valid

Ocotea caudata Varietas major (E.W. Berry) R.S. LaMotte Mem. Geol. Soc. Amer., 51: 233. 20 Jun 1952

infraspecies valid

Laurinoxylon oligocenicum Forma miniporosum Iust. Petrescu Mem. Inst. Geol. Geofiz. (București), 27: 127 [15]. Jul 1978

infraspecies valid

Platanus guillelmae Varietas heeri Knowlt. Profess. Pap. U.S. Geol. Surv., 1917, 101: 323. May 1918

infraspecies valid

Platanus platanifolia Varietas latifolia (Knowlt.) Kutuzk. in Takht. Iskop. Tsvetk. Rast. SSSR ed. 1974, 1: 141. 31 Mar 1975

infraspecies valid

Platanus aceroides Varietas latifolia Knowlt. Profess. Pap. U.S. Geol. Surv., 1917, 101: 321. May 1918

infraspecies valid

Platanus aceroides Varietas cuneata Knowlt. Profess. Pap. U.S. Geol. Surv., 1917, 101: 321. May 1918

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