Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 11782

The fossil plants of the Payette Formation

At: Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 18, 3 By: Knowlton F. H.

The fossil record of Berberis (Berberidaceae) from the Palaeocene of NE China and interpretations of the evolution and phytogeography of the genus

At: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 160, 1-2 By: Li Y.-L., Kvaček Z., Ferguson D. K., Li C.-S., Yang J., Ying T.-S., Ablajev A. G., Liu H.-M.

The fossil record of Cunoniaceae: new evidence from Late Cretaceous wood of Antarctica?

At: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 111, 1-2 By: Poole I., Cantrill D. J., Hayes P. A., Francis J. E.

The fossil record of Eucommia (Eucommiaceae) in North America

At: American Journal of Botany, 84, 6 By: Call V. B., Dilcher D. L.

The fossil seeds from the Titanotherium beds of Nebraska, their identity and significance

At: American Museum Novitates, 221 By: Berry E. W.

The fossil wood and resin of Taxodioxylon vanderburghii nov spec. in Paleogene sediments of Svalbard

At: Palaeontographica, Abtheilung, B, Paläophytologie, 284, 4-6 By: Dolezych M., Jochmann M., Gröschke A.

The fossil wood from the Tertiary at Myggbukta, East Greenland

At: Norsk geologisk tidsskrift, 12 By: Høeg O. F. A.

The fossil wood from the Tertiary at Myggbukta, East Greenland

At: Meddelelse / Norges Svalbard- og Ishavs-Undersøkelser, 14 By: Høeg O. F. A.

The fossils of Rhodoleia Champion (Hamamelidaceae) in Europe

At: Acta Palaeobotanica, 2001, 41, 2 By: Mai D. H.

The fossils of the Galena-Trenton and Black River Formations of Lake Winnipeg and its vicinity

At: Palaeoz. Fossils, Ottawa, printed by S.E. Dawson, Printer, 3, 3 By: Whiteaves J. F.

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