Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 12085

The Oligocene Bridge Creek flora of the John Day Formation, Oregon

At: University of California Publications in Geological Sciences, 141 By: Meyer H. W., Manchester S. R.

The Oligocene Flora of the Bovey Tracey Lake Basin, Devonshire

At: Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Series, Geology, 3, 3 By: Chandler M. E. J.

The Oligocene Floras from the Kushiro Coal Field, Hokkaido, Japan

At: Journal of the Faculty of Science of the Hokkaido University, Series, 4, Geology and mineralogy, 14, 4 By: Tanai T.

The Oligocene Noda Flora from the Yuya-wan Area of the Western End of Honshu, Japan Part I

At: Bulletin of the National Science Museum Tokyo, Series, C, Geology and Paleontology, 17, 2 By: Tanai T., Uemura K.

The Oligocene volcanic flora of Kundratice near Litoměřice, České Středohoří volcanic complex (Czech Republic): a review

At: Sborník Národního Muzea v Praze, Řada, Řada B, Přírodni vědy (Přírodovědný 1938-1957), 54, 1-2 By: Kvaček Z., Walther H.

The overlooked aquatic green algal component of early terrestrial environments: Triskelia scotlandica gen. et sp. nov. from the Rhynie cherts

At: Papers in Palaeontology, 2020 By: Strullu-Derrien C., Le Hérissé A., Goral T., Spencer A. R. T., Kenrick P.

The Palaeogene flora of Hochstetten-Dhaun (Nahe-area, Rhineland-Palatinate, SW-Germany)

At: Feddes Repertorium, 113, 7-8 By: Uhl D., Walther H., Krings M.

The palaeontology of the Plantagenet beds of Western Australia

At: Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 20 By: Chapman F., Crespin I.

The Paleobiology of Plant Protists

At: Paleobiol. Pl. Protists, San Francisco, W. H. Freeman and Company By: Tappan H. N.

The paleobotanical significance of plant structure in coal

At: Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, 1935, 28, 2 By: Schopf J. M.

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