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Total: 12085

Descriptions of Tertiary plants III

At: American Journal of Science, Series 4, 29, 169 By: Cockerell T. D. A.

Descriptions of the fossil plants collected by Mr. George Gibbs

At: Boston journal of natural history, 7, 4 By: Newberry J. S.

Descriptions of the new species of fossils named in the foregoing list

At: Outl. Geol. Cheltenham, London, John Murray, 2 By: Buckman J.

Descriptions of the species of Cycadeoidea, or fossil cycadean trunks, thus far determined from the Lower Cretaceous Rim of the Black Hills

At: Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 21, 1141 By: Ward L. F.

Descriptions of the species of Cycadeoidea, or fossil cycadean trunks, thus far discovered in the Iron Ore Belt, Potomac Formation, of Maryland

At: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 11 By: Ward L. F.

Descriptions of two new plants from the Tertiary of New South Wales – Pteris abbreviata and Grevillea darlingioides

At: Records of the Geological Survey of New South Wales, 7, 3 By: Deane H.

Descriptions succinctes de quelques nouvelles espèces animales et végétales fossiles, des terrains tertiaires éocènes des environs de Bruxelles

At: Descr. Nouv. Esp. Anim. & Vég. Foss. Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Ch. Lelong By: Nyst H., Le Hon H.

Descriptive notes on some Mesozoic plants from Province Nagato (Yamaguchi Prefecture)

At: Chishitsugaku zasshi, 57, 664 By: Takahashi E.

Descrizione di alcuni Fuchi fossili della Calcaria del monte Spilecco nella Provincia Veronese

At: Rivista periodica dei lavori della Regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova, 1855-1856, Trimestre 3-4, 4, 10 By: Massalongo A.

Desmopteris (?) orientalis n. sp. from the Kobosan District of Corea

At: Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, 8, 1-2 By: Yabe H., Ôishi S.

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