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Total: 12085

Fricia nobilis from the Turonian of the Czech Republic reinterpreted as an ovuliferous cone of a cupressoid conifer

At: Sborník Národního Muzea v Praze, Řada, Řada B, Přírodni vědy (Přírodovědný 1938-1957), 69, 3-4 By: Kvaček J.

Friedsellowia gracilifolia gen. nov. et sp. nov., a new gnetophyte from the Lower Cretaceous Crato Formation (Brazil)

At: Palaeontographica, Abtheilung, B, Paläophytologie, 289, 4-6 By: Löwe S. A., Mohr B. A. R., Coiffard C., Bernardes-de-Oliveira M.

Friisia lusitanica gen. et sp. nov., a new podocarpaceous ovuliferous cone from the Lower Cretaceous of Lusitanian Basin, western Portugal

At: Cretaceous Research, 2020, 108, 104352 By: Mendes M. M., Kvaček J.

Frond characteristics of Cyrillopteris (ex. Odontopteris) orbicularis (Halle) comb. et emend. nov.: New evidence from the Permian Upper Shihezi (Upper Shihhotse) Formation of North China

At: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 324, 105092 By: Wan M., Li D.-D., Wan S., Yang W., Zhou W.-M., Wang K.-Y., Jiang K.-G., Wang J.

Früchte und Samen aus der Gosauformation von Kössen in Österreich

At: Věstník Ústředního Ústavu Geologického, 50, 2 By: Knobloch E.

Fructificaciones de la Formación Los Rastros, Triásico Superior, Provincia de San Juan, Argentina

At: Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 27, 1 By: Arce F. E., Lutz A. I.

Fructifications de fougères du terrain houiller

At: Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Series, Botanique, Series 6, 16, 4 By: Zeiller R.

Fructifications de fougères du terrain houiller

At: Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Series, Botanique, Series 6, 16, 3 By: Zeiller R.

Fructifications de végétaux carbonifères du bassin Sarro-Lorrain

At: Comptes rendus du Congrès National des Sociétés savantes, Section, Section des Sciences, 98 (1973), 2 By: Germer R., Doubinger J.

Fructifications of Gigantopterids from South China

At: Palaeontographica, Abtheilung, B, Paläophytologie, 185, 1-3 By: Li X.-X., Yao Z.-Q.

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