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Total: 12085

Palmoxylon enochii sp. nov. de la Formación Olmos (Campaniano superior-Maastrichtiano inferior), Coahuila, México

At: Ameghiniana, 46, 4 By: Estrada-Ruiz E., Cevallos-Ferriz S. R. S.

Palmoxylon iriarteum n. sp. Ein fossiles Palmenholz aus Antigua

At: Bihang til Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar, Afdelning 3, 22, 11 By: Stenzel K.

Palmoxylon kryshtofovichii - novyj vid pal'my iz eotsena Povolzh'ja

At: Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1973, 2 By: Shilkina I. A.

Palmoxylon Mathuri, a new species of petrified palms from Cutch, Western India

At: Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress, 19 By: Sahni B.

Palmoxylon mohgaonensis, a new species of petrified palm stems from the Deccan Intertrappean Series of India

At: Palaeobotanist, 1969, 18, 1 By: Trivedi B. S., Surange K. R.

Palmoxylon pantii, a new species of petrified palm stems from the Deccan Intertrappean series of India

At: Journal of the Indian Botanical Society, 50 By: Trivedi B. S., Surange K. R.

Palmoxylon patagonicum n. sp. del Terciario inferior de la provincia de Chubut, Argentina

At: Ameghiniana, 5, 10 By: Romero E. J.

Palmoxylon phoenicoides sp. nov. : A Phoenix-like fossil palm wood from the Deccan Trap of Banswara district, Rajasthan

At: Phytomorphology, 57, 3-4 By: Agarwal A., Ambwani K., Dutta D., Verma C. L.

Palmoxylon phytelephantoides sp.nov. - A new fossil palm from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Umaria, Madhya Pradesh, India

At: International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, 4, 6 By: Chate S. V., Bonde S. D., Gamre P. G.

Palmoxylon puratanum, a new species of petrified palms from the Tertiary rocks of South Arcot District, Madras

At: Journal of the Indian Botanical Society, 37, 1 By: Ramanujam C. G. K.

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