Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Reisenotizen von Jahre 1838

At: Steiermärkische Zeitschrift, Neue Folge, 5, 2 By: Unger F.

Relationship of the fossil fungal spore genus Polycellaesporonites Anil Chandra et al. 1984 with extant Alternaria Nees 1816

At: Geophytology, 50, 1–2 By: Saxena R. K., Nuñez Otaño N. B., O'Keefe J. M. K.

Relationships among Fossil and Living Dipteridaceae: Anatomically Preserved Hausmannia from the Lower Cretaceous of Vancouver Island

At: International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167, 3 By: Stockey R. A., Rothwell G. W., Little S. A.

Relictual Lepidopteris (Peltaspermales) from the Early Jurassic Cañadón Asfalto Formation, Patagonia, Argentina

At: International Journal of Plant Sciences, 180, 6 By: Elgorriaga A., Escapa I. H., Cúneo N. R.

Reliquie della flora fossile eocena del Monte Pastello nella Provincia Veronese

At: Reliq. Fl. Foss. Eocen. Monte Pastello, Venezia, Tip. Antonelli By: Massalongo A.

Reliquie della flora fossile eocena del Monte Pastello nella Provincia Veronese

At: Atti dell'Imperiale Regio Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 1857-1858, Ser. 3, 3, Dispense 3 By: Massalongo A.

Rellimia thomsonii, a new name for Milleria (Protopteridium) thomsonii Lang 1926 emend. Leclercq and Bonamo 1971

At: Taxon, 22, 4 By: Leclercq S., Bonamo P. M.

Remains of the Lower Cretaceous plants from north-east of Brazil

At: Anais XI Congr. Brasil. Paleontol. 1989, Curitiba, Oficinas Gráficas da Fundação da UFPR, 1 By: Duarte L.

Remarks on some fossil remains considered as peculiar kinds of marine plants

At: Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 13, 792 By: Lesquereux L. C.

Remarks on specimens of Cretaceous and Tertiary plants secured by the Survey in 1877; with a list of the species hitherto described

At: Annual report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 10 By: Lesquereux L. C.

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