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Report on fossil wood from the Deccan Intertrapean Beds of Jabalpur, M.P. India

At: International Journal of Life Sciences, 2, 4 By: Meshram S. M., Borkar S.

Report on phyto-palaeontological investigations of the fossil flora of Sheppey

At: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 1879, 29, 198 By: von Ettingshausen C.

Report on Tertiary plants of British Columbia collected by Lawrence M. Lambe in 1906 together with a discussion of previously recorded Tertiary floras

At: Geological Survey Branch, Department of Mines, Canada, 1013 By: Penhallow D. P.

Report on the fossil plants of the auriferous gravel deposits of the Sierra Nevada

At: Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 6, 2 By: Lesquereux L. C.

Report on the fossil plants of the Carboniferous Formation

At: Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, Part 1, 9, 3=35 By: Bunbury C. J. F., Sr

Report on the geography, topography, and geology of the Llano Estacado or Staked Plains with notes on the geology of the country west of the Plains

At: Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Texas, 3(1891) By: Cummins W. F.

Report on the geology of the coastal plain of Alabama

At: Rept. Geol. Coast. Plain Alabama, Montgomery, Ala., Brown Printing Co., state printers By: Smith E. A., Johnson L. C., Langdon D. W.

Report on the phyto-palaeontological investigations of the fossil flora of Alum Bay

At: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 30, 202 By: von Ettingshausen C.

Report on the recent additions of fossil plants

At: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, 7, 1 By: Lesquereux L. C.

Représentants des Bereselleae (algues calcaires) dans le Carbonifère de Turquie et description d'un nouveau genre: Goksuella n. g.

At: Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Series 7 [1965], 7, 3 By: Güvenç T.

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