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Total: 12085

Triletisporites bohemicus nov. spec. (Sporites) z Českého permokarbonu

At: Věstník Ústředního Ústavu Geologického, 33, 5 By: Kalibová M.

Triloboxylon ashlandicum gen. and sp. n. from the Upper Devonian of New York

At: American Journal of Botany, 53, 10 By: Matten L. C., Banks H. P.

Trilocular palm fruits from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India

At: International Journal of Plant Sciences, 177, 7 By: Manchester S. R., Bonde S. D., Nipunage D. S., Srivastava R., Mehrotra R. C., Smith S. Y.

Trinocladus divnae and Montiella filipovici - a new species (Dasycladales, green algae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Mountain Paštrik (Mirdita Zone)

At: Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 67 By: Radoičić R.

Tripetaleia v miotsenovykh otlozheniyakh Primor'ya

At: Trudy Biologo-Pochvennogo Instituta Dal'nevostochnogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Akademii Nauk SSSR, New Series, 53(156) By: Klimova R. S.

Triplinerved cinnamon from the Siwalik (middle Miocene) of eastern Himalaya: systematics, epifoliar fossil fungi, palaeoecology and biogeography

At: Geobios, 82 By: Mahato S., Hazra T., More S., Khan M. A.

Triplochitioxylon (Sterculiaceae): a new genus of wood from the Eocene of Oregon and its bearing on xylem evolution in the extant genus Triplochiton

At: American Journal of Botany, 66, 6 By: Manchester S. R.

Triploporella bacilliformis n. sp. (Dasycladaceae) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Island of Korčula

At: Geološki vjesnik, 38 By: Sokač B.

Triploporella neocomiensis spec. nov. iz slojeva valendis-otriva Crne Gore

At: Vesnik Zavoda za Geološka i Geofizička Istraživanja, Series, A, Geologija, 21 By: Radoičić R.

Tritaenia (al. Abietites) linkii (Roemer) Mägdefrau & Rudolf (Coniferae inc. sed.) und ihr Vorkommen in der Wealden-Fazies der unteren Kreide von Nordwestdeutschland

At: Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte, 1991, 1-3 By: Wilde V.

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