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Total: 12085

Études sur une plante phanérogame (Cymodoceites parisiensis) de l'ordre des Naïadées, qui vivait dans les mers de l'époque éocène

At: Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 102, 4 By: Bureau E.

Etwas aus dem tertiären Sandstein von Kamüschin

At: Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1874, 48(2), 3 By: Trautschold H. G.

Eucaryoxylon castellanii n. sp., (Juglandaceae), a silicified wood from the Eocene of Castellane, France

At: Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie, 35 By: Selmeier A.

Eucommia constans n. sp. fruits from Upper Cenozoic strata of Puebla, Mexico: morphological and anatomical comparison with Eucommia ulmoides Oliver

At: International Journal of Plant Sciences, 155, 1 By: Magallón-Puebla S., Cevallos-Ferriz S. R. S.

Eucommia Oliv. I. Vidy, ustanovlennye po list'jam i otpechatkam plodov [Eucommia Oliv. I. Species established on leaves and fruit impressions]

At: Iskop. Tsvetk. Rast. SSSR, Leningrad, Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1974, 1 By: Zhilin S. G.

Eucommia Oliv. I. Vidy, ustanovlennye po plodam [Eucommia Oliv. I. Species established on fruits]

At: Iskop. Tsvetk. Rast. SSSR, Leningrad, Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1974, 1 By: Dorofeev P. I.

Eugonophyllum, a new Pennsylvanian and Permian algal genus

At: Journal of Paleontology, 35, 4 By: Konishi K., Wray J. L.

Euphorbiaceae and Icacinaceae from the Paleogene of Hokkaido, Japan

At: Bulletin of the National Science Museum Tokyo, Series, C, Geology and Paleontology, 16, 3 By: Tanai T.

Euphorbiaceae: Acalyphoideae fossils from early Miocene New Zealand: Mallotus–Macaranga leaves, fruits, and inflorescence with in situ Nyssapollenites endobalteus pollen

At: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 163, 1-2 By: Lee D. E., Bannister J. M., Raine J. I., Conran J. G.

Euphorbiocarpon drypeteoides, a new euphorbiaceous fruit from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mandla district, Madhya Pradesh

At: Geophytology, 13, 1 By: Mehrotra R. C., Prakash U., Bande M. B.

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