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Total: 12085

Fossil species in Boehmerieae (Urticaceae) in Dominican and Mexican amber: a new genus (Ekrixanthera) and two new species with anemophilous pollination by explosive pollen release, and possible lepidopteran herbivory

At: Botany, 94, 8 By: Poinar G. O., Kevan P. G., Jackes B. R.

Fossil sporocarps of the genus Protosalvinia Dawson, with special reference to P. furcata (Dawson) comb. nov.

At: Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, 48, 2 By: Arnold C. A.

Fossil Spruceanthus in Europe and two other hepatics in Baltic amber

At: Prace Muzeum Ziemi, 37 By: Grolle R.

Fossil Taxodiaceae and new angiosperm macrofossils from Quilchena, British Columbia

At: Syesis, 4 By: Mathewes R. W., Brooke R. C.

Fossil thallophytes from Mohgaon-Kalan locality, Chhindwara District, M.P.

At: Current Science, 28, 7 By: Dwivedi J. N.

Fossil Trapa from the Fujitoge Formation in the Aizu Basin, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

At: Saitō Hō-on Kai Museum research bulletin, 48 By: Suzuki K.

Fossil Trapa L. of China. 1. A new locality from the Miocene of the Liang He Coal Mine, West Yunnan

At: Acta Palaeobotanica, 39, 1 By: Wójcicki J. J., Song S.-Y., Wang Y.-F.

Fossil water lily fruits with seeds Nymphaea subgenus Lotos, from the Oligocene of Armissan/Narbonne (France)

At: Zitteliana, Reihe, A, Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, 53 By: Butzmann R., Fischer T. C.

Fossil wood and leaf of the genus Chrysophyllum Linn. from Churia (Siwalik) Group of Himalayan foot hills of western Nepal and its significance

At: Phytomorphology, 57, 3-4 By: Prasad M.

Fossil wood and lignite of the Potomac Formation

At: Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey, 1889, 56 By: Knowlton F. H.

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