Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 11777

A new genus of Salviniaceae and a new species of Azolla from the Late Cretaceous

At: American Fern journal, 58, 2 By: Hall J. W.

A new gigantopterid genus from the Late Permian of the Daha Coalfield, Tibetan Plateau and its implication on plant-insect interactions

At: Historical biology, 2020, 10.1080/08912963.2020.1860033 By: Zhou W.-M., Chen B.-Y., Sun W., He X.-Z., Hilton J., Wang J.

A new gigantopterid plant with cuticles from the Permian of South China

At: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 131, 1-2 By: Yao Z.-Q., Liu L.-J.

A new gnetalean macrofossil from the Early Cretaceous and its evolutionary significance

At: Cretaceous Research, 74 By: Yang Y., Lin L.-B., Ferguson D. K., Zhang S.-Z., Wan T.

A new gnetophyte from the Late Carnian (Late Triassic) of Texas and its bearing on the origin of the angiosperm carpel and stamen

At: Flowering Pl. Orig., Evol. & Phylog., New York, Chapman & Hall, 1996 By: Cornet B.

A new gramineous stem from the Deccan Intertrappean bed at Nawargaon, District Wardha, Maharashtra, India

At: Biovigyanan, 12, 1 By: Bonde S. D.

A new gymnosperm Sylvocarpus armatus gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Permian of the Ural Mountains

At: Paleontological Journal, 42, 4 By: Naugolnykh S. V.

A new homosporous, arborescent lycopsid from the Middle Devonian of Xinjiang, Northwest China

At: Palaeontology, 55, 5 By: Xu H.-H., Wang Y., Wang Q.

A new hydrocharitacean seagrass from the Eocene of Florida

At: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 157, 1 By: Benzecry A., Brack-Hanes S. D.

A new iridopteridalean from the Devonian of Venezuela

At: International Journal of Plant Sciences, 161, 5 By: Berry C. M., Stein W. E.

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