Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 12086

Infructescences of Kasicarpa gen. nov. (Hamamelidales) from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian) of the Chulym-Yenisey depression, Western Siberia, Russia

At: Acta Palaeobotanica, 45, 2 By: Maslova N. P., Golovneva L. B., Tekleva M. V.

Inkohlte Hölzer und Cuticulae dispersae aus dem 2. Miozänen Flözhorizont im Tagebau Welzow ( Lausitz ) - Taxonomie und vergleichende feinstratigraphisch - fazielle Zuordnung

At: Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften, 34, 3-4 By: Dolezych M., Schneider W.

Insect herbivory on Catula gettyi gen. et sp. nov. (Lauraceae) from the Kaiparowits Formation (Late Cretaceous, Utah, USA)

At: PLoS One, 17, 1e0261397 By: Maccracken S. A., Miller I. M., Johnson K. R., Sertich J. M., Labandeira C. C.

Interesnye predstaviteli semejstva Lauraceae srednesarmatskoj flory okrestnostej goroda Krymska (Severnyj Kavkaz) [Interesting representatives of the family Lauraceae of the Middle Sarmatian flora of the Krymsk outskirts (Northern Caucasus)]

At: Botanicheskii Zhurnal, 69, 10 By: Guryev N. V.

Intérêt stratigraphique de quelques espéces du genre Classopollis (Pflug) Reyre

At: Revue de Micropaléontologie, 13, 3 By: Reyre Y., Kieser G., Pujol C.

Intramarginal veined Lauraceae leaves from the Albian-Cenomanian of Charente-Maritime (western France)

At: Palaeontology, 52, 2 By: Coiffard C., Gomez B., Thiébaut M., Kvaček J., Thévenard F., Néraudeau D.

Introdução ao estudo sistemático dos gêneros paleozóicos de esporos dispersos I

At: Boletim / Departamento Nacional da Produção Mineral, Divisão de Geologia e Mineralogia, 190 By: Sommer F. W.

Introduction à la flore tertiaire de la Suisse

At: Bibliothèque universelle de Genève / Archives des sciences physiques et naturelles, 26, 104 By: von Heer O.

Introduction à l’étude anatomique des végétaux houillers de Belgique : les coal balls de la couche Bouxharmont des charbonnages de Wérister

At: Annales de la Société Géologique de Belgique, Series, Mémoires in quarto, 6 By: Leclercq S.

Invalidity of the name Chrysotheca Miner for microfossils

At: Journal of Paleontology, 41, 5 By: Hall J. W.

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