Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 11794

A new species of fossil hackberry (Celtis) from the Pliocene of Philips (sic) County, Kansas

At: Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 2 By: Watt B. P.

A new species of Garcinia (Clusiaceae) from the middle Miocene of Fujian, China, and a phytogeographic analysis

At: Geological Journal, 2018, 10.1002/gj.3228 By: Wang Z.-X., Sun F.-K., Xie S.-P., Wang J.-D., Li Y.-J., Dong J.-L., Sun M.-X., Sun B.-N.

A new species of Goeppertella from the Hongäy coal-mine, Tongking, French Indo-China

At: Journal of the Faculty of Science of the Hokkaido Imperial University, Series, 4, Geology and mineralogy, 6, 2 By: Ôishi S., Huzioka K.

A new species of Gothanipollis Krutzsch, from the Cockfield Formation, (Middle Eocene), of Mississippi

At: Pollen et Spores, 6, 2 By: Engelhardt D. W.

A new species of Gymnocodium and its algal associates in the Permian Kosaki Formation of southern Kyushu, Japan

At: Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, 25, 1-2 By: Konishi K.

A new species of Juniperoxylon from the Early Miocene of northwestern Turkey

At: Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae, 2021, 17, 1 By: Akkemik Ü.

A new species of Keteleeria (Pinaceae) in the Shanwang Miocene flora of China and its phytogeographic connection with North America

At: Taxon, 55, 1 By: Xiang Q.-P., Ferguson D. K., Zastawniak E., Yang J., Li C.-S.

A new species of Larix (Pinaceae) from the Early Tertiary of Axel Heiberg Island, Arctic Canada

At: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 70, 1-2 By: LePage B. A., Basinger J. F.

A new species of Larix from the inter-glacial of Manitoba

At: American Geologist, 9, 6 By: Penhallow D. P.

A new species of Leclercqia Banks, Bonamo et Grierson (Lycopsida) from the Middle Devonian of North Xinjiang, China, with a possible climbing habit

At: International Journal of Plant Sciences, 172, 6 By: Xu H.-H., Berry C. M., Wang Y., Marshall J. E. A.

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