Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65518

species valid

Aeschynomene santafesensis L. Duarte, Mand.-de-Lacerda in J.H. Popp Anais XI Congr. Brasil. Paleontol. 1989, 1: 404. Sep - Dec 1989

species valid

Machaerium acinaciformium L. Duarte, Mand.-de-Lacerda in J.H. Popp Anais XI Congr. Brasil. Paleontol. 1989, 1: 402. Sep - Dec 1989

species valid

Seguieria alvarengae L. Duarte, Mand.-de-Lacerda in J.H. Popp Anais XI Congr. Brasil. Paleontol. 1989, 1: 398. Sep - Dec 1989

species valid

Copaifera flexuosa L. Duarte, Mand.-de-Lacerda in J.H. Popp Anais XI Congr. Brasil. Paleontol. 1989, 1: 401. Sep - Dec 1989

species unavailable

Araucarites vulcanoae L. Duarte in J.H. Popp Anais XI Congr. Brasil. Paleontol. 1989, 1: 224. Sep - Dec 1989

species valid

Pteridium branneri (C.D. White) L. Duarte in J.H. Popp Anais XI Congr. Brasil. Paleontol. 1989, 1: 222. Sep - Dec 1989

species valid

Sticherus quererae L. Duarte in J.H. Popp Anais XI Congr. Brasil. Paleontol. 1989, 1: 221. Sep - Dec 1989

species valid

Aloites italicus Vis. Due Nuovi Gen. Piante Foss. 8. 1 Feb 1869

species valid

Agavites priscus Vis. Due Nuovi Gen. Piante Foss. 7. 1 Feb 1869

species valid

Promissum pulchrum Kovács-Endrödy in J.N. Theron, Kovács-Endrödy S. African J. Sci., 82(2): 102. Feb 1986

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