Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65518

species valid

Chondrophyllum obovatum Newb. Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv., 1895, 26: 118. Nov 1896

species valid

Aralia rotundiloba Newb. Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv., 1895, 26: 118. Nov 1896

species valid

Aralia polymorpha Newb. Monogr. U.S. Geol. Surv., 1895, 26: 118. Nov 1896

species unavailable

Trochodendroides notabilis A.B. Herman Paleontol. Zhurn., 1908, (1): 103. 2008

species unavailable

Trochodendroides elliptica (Newb.) Krysht. in I.V. Lebedev Trudy Sibirsk. Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Geol., Geofiz. & Miner. Syr., 22(1): 257. 10 Dec 1962

species unavailable

Aspidiophyllum kiense Baikovsk. in A.S. Kirillov Vestn. Zap.-Sibirsk. Geol. Upr., 1948, 18(2): 19. 1949

species unavailable

Aralia palmatiformis Baikovsk. in A.S. Kirillov Vestn. Zap.-Sibirsk. Geol. Upr., 1948, 18(2): 19. 1949

species valid

Trochodendroides richardsonii (Heer) Krysht. in A.S. Kirillov Vestn. Zap.-Sibirsk. Geol. Upr., 1948, 18(2): 23. 1949

species unavailable

Protophyllum ignatianum Krysht., Baikovsk. in A.S. Kirillov Vestn. Zap.-Sibirsk. Geol. Upr., 1948, 18(2): 25. 1949

species valid

Trochodendroides smilacifolia (Newb.) Krysht. in A.S. Kirillov Vestn. Zap.-Sibirsk. Geol. Upr., 1948, 18(2): 25. 1949

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