Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65531

species valid

Ginkgo patagonica E.W. Berry Torreya, 35(1): 11. 2 Mar 1935

species unavailable

Ginkgoites patagonicus (E.W. Berry) Villar-Seoane, Cúneo, Escapa, Wilf, Gandolfo Int. J. Pl. Sci., 176(4): 349. 18 Feb 2015

species valid

Lithocarpus longchuanensis L.-C. Zhao, X.-Y. Mu in X.-Y. Mu, J.-X. Li, X.-F. Xia, L.-C. Zhao Taxon, 64(4): 796. 28 Aug 2015

species valid

Hexagyne philippiana Coiffard, B.A.R. Mohr, Bern.-de-Oliv. Taxon, 63(6): 1279. 22 Dec 2014

species unavailable

Araucarioxylon douglasense (Steidtmann) Lepech. Ezheg. Vsesoyuzn. Paleontol. Obshch., 27: 70. 18 Jul 1984

species unavailable

Araucarioxylon romingerianum (C.A. Arnold) Lepech. Ezheg. Vsesoyuzn. Paleontol. Obshch., 27: 69. 18 Jul 1984

species valid

Dadoxylon romingerianum C.A. Arnold Bot. Gaz., 91(1): 86. 18 Mar 1931

species valid

Cordaites michiganensis C.A. Arnold Bot. Gaz., 91(1): 83. 18 Mar 1931

species unavailable

Araucarioxylon douglasense (Steidtmann) Lepech. Palaeontographica, Abt. B, Paläophytol., 138(1-4): 72. 23 May 1972

species valid

Dadoxylon douglasense Steidtmann Amer. J. Bot., 21(7): 397. 5 Jul 1934

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