Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65531

species unavailable

Cathaya bergeri (Kirchheim.) Wilf. Schneider Z. Geol. Wiss., 9(8): 892. Aug 1981

species valid

Keteleeria bergeri Kirchheim. Bot. Arch., 1940, 41(2): 278. 21 Aug 1941

species valid

Brasenia belorussica T.V. Jakub. in Kuzniatsow Dasled. Antrapag. Belarusi 104. 1978

species valid

Najas antiqua T.V. Jakub. in Kuzniatsow Dasled. Antrapag. Belarusi 102. 1978

species valid

Archaeomarasmius leggettii Hibbet, Grimaldi, Donoghue Amer. J. Bot., 1997, 84(8): 982. 15 Jul 1997

species unavailable

Cathaya loehri (Engelh., Kink.) Chun, Kuang Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad), 43(4): 464, 467. 9 May 1958

species valid

Palmaemargosulcites insulatus M.M. Harley Meded. Nederl. Inst. Toegepaste Geowetensch., (58): 195. Aug 1997

species valid

Palmaemargosulcites fossperforatus M.M. Harley Meded. Nederl. Inst. Toegepaste Geowetensch., (58): 195. Aug 1997

species valid

Sphenolepis pecinovensis J. Kvaček Meded. Nederl. Inst. Toegepaste Geowetensch., (58): 122. Aug 1997

species unavailable

Cathaya zhejiangensis Y.-S. Liu, Zetter, D.K. Ferguson Meded. Nederl. Inst. Toegepaste Geowetensch., (58): 229. Aug 1997

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