Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65531

species valid

Sequoia chinensis Se. Endô Jap. J. Geol. Geogr., 6(1-2): 27. 20 Sep 1928

species valid

Cladiocarya chomutovensis (Bůžek, Holý) Bůžek, Holý in Bůžek, Holý, Z. Kvaček Sborn. Nár. Muz. Praze, Řada B, Přír. Vědy, 52(1-4): 45. Nov 1996

species valid

Myrica ceriferiformoides Bůžek, Holý Sborn. Geol. Věd, Řada P, Paleontol., (4): 118. Nov 1964

species valid

Entsovia rara Gluchova Paleontol. Zhurn., 1978, (3): 139. 13 Sep 1978

species valid

Silvianthemum suecicum Friis Biol. Skr., 36: 7. Feb 1990

species valid

Pinus nickmirovii Kasapligil Phytologia, 1978, 40(2): 126. 4 Aug 1978

species valid

Qualeoxylon itaquaquecetubense Suguio, D. Mussa Bol. Inst. Geoci. Univ. São Paulo, 9: 35. Dec 1978

species valid

Cocculus cuneiformis Stephyr. in Negad.-Nikon. Chetvert. Neogen. Fauny Fl. Mold. SSR 100. 1980

species valid

Trigonobalanus exacantha Mai Jahrb. Geol., 1967, 3: 385. 22 Feb 1971

species valid

Trigonobalanus andreanszkyi Mai Jahrb. Geol., 1967, 3: 384. 22 Feb 1971

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