Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65531

species valid

Gleichenia sphenopteroides (M.I. Brick) M.I. Brick in M.I. Brick, Kopyt., Turut.-Ket. Mater. Vsesoyuzn. Nauchno-Issl. Geol. Inst., N. S., 1955, (9): 147, 149. 30 Jan 1956

species valid

Todites szeianus (P'an) M.I. Brick, Kopyt., Turut.-Ket. Mater. Vsesoyuzn. Nauchno-Issl. Geol. Inst., N. S., 1955, (9): 143. 30 Jan 1956

species valid

Viburnum altanense Makul. Trudy Sovm. Sov.-Mongol. Paleontol. Eksped., (35): 80. 1988

species valid

Viburnum chaiczinense Makul. Trudy Sovm. Sov.-Mongol. Paleontol. Eksped., (35): 78. 1988

species valid

Ulmus tostensis Makul. Trudy Sovm. Sov.-Mongol. Paleontol. Eksped., (35): 75. 1988

species valid

Trochodendrocarpus asiaticus Makul. Trudy Sovm. Sov.-Mongol. Paleontol. Eksped., (35): 70. 1988

species valid

Gobia mongolica Makul. Trudy Sovm. Sov.-Mongol. Paleontol. Eksped., (35): 59. 1988

species unavailable

Aralia omoloica P.I. Dorof. in Vassilcz. Istor. Fl. Rastit. Evrazii 107. 26 Dec 1972

species unavailable

Myriophyllum omoloicum P.I. Dorof. in Vassilcz. Istor. Fl. Rastit. Evrazii 106. 26 Dec 1972

species unavailable

Hippuris miocenica P.I. Dorof. in Vassilcz. Istor. Fl. Rastit. Evrazii 105. 26 Dec 1972

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