Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 64365

species valid

Paracuneatochara jimsarensis H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo Acta Micropalaeontol. Sin., 1(2): 165. Dec 1984

species unavailable

Luichara elliptica (H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo) Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 100. 4 Oct 1993

species valid

Paracuneatochara elliptica H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo Acta Micropalaeontol. Sin., 1(2): 165. Dec 1984

species unavailable

Praechara ovata Saidak. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 145(5): 1142. 11 Aug 1962

species valid

Stenochara ovata (Saidak.) Saidak. Trudy Geol. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (143): 128. 30 May 1966

species unavailable

Luichara bellatula (H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo) Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 100. 4 Oct 1993

species valid

Paracuneatochara bellatula H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo Acta Micropalaeontol. Sin., 1(2): 164. Dec 1984

species valid

Porochara parasphaerica H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo Acta Micropalaeontol. Sin., 1(2): 161. Dec 1984

species valid

Porochara kucheensis H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo Acta Micropalaeontol. Sin., 1(2): 161. Dec 1984

species valid

Porochara aksuensis H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo Acta Micropalaeontol. Sin., 1(2): 160. Dec 1984

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