Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 64255

species valid

Cicatricosisporites girardotensis Solé de Porta Geol. Colomb., 7: 107. Dec 1970

species valid

Cicatricosisporites buerglii Solé de Porta Geol. Colomb., 7: 106. Dec 1970

species valid

Stylocalamites batensis Huertas Geol. Colomb., 7: 111. Dec 1970

species valid

Thuja barmyschensis Kolak., Schakr. Ak̄uat. Abotan. Bah̦ča Ausumţ., (19): 148. 5 Jul 1974

species valid

Cupressus palaeosempervirens Kolak., Schakr. Ak̄uat. Abotan. Bah̦ča Ausumţ., (19): 144. 5 Jul 1974

species valid

Uralophyllum krascheninnikovii Krysht., Prynada Trudy Vsesoyuzn. Geol.-Razved. Ob'jed. SSSR, (346): 25. 1933

species valid

Antholithes krascheninnikovii Krysht., Prynada Trudy Vsesoyuzn. Geol.-Razved. Ob'jed. SSSR, (346): 21. 1933

species valid

Phoenicopsis rarinervis Krysht., Prynada Trudy Vsesoyuzn. Geol.-Razved. Ob'jed. SSSR, (346): 21. 1933

species valid

Osmundites prigorovskii Krysht., Prynada Trudy Vsesoyuzn. Geol.-Razved. Ob'jed. SSSR, (346): 13. 1933

species valid

Neocalamites nordenskioeldii (Heer) Krysht., Prynada Trudy Vsesoyuzn. Geol.-Razved. Ob'jed. SSSR, (346): 9. 1933

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