Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65505

species valid

Celastrophyllum parvifolium (Fontaine) E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 476. Sep - Dec 1911

species valid

Menispermites potomacensis E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 466. Sep - Dec 1911

species valid

Nelumbites tenuinervis (Fontaine) E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 464. Sep - Dec 1911

species valid

Nelumbites virginiensis (Fontaine) E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 463. Sep - Dec 1911

species valid

Cyperacites potomacensis E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 455. Sep - Dec 1911

species valid

Alismaphyllum victori-masoni (Ward) E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 453. Sep - Dec 1911

species valid

Cedrus leei (Ward) E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 411. Sep - Dec 1911

species valid

Pinites leei Ward Mon. U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. xlviii, 1905: 57. 19.

species valid

Araucarites patapscoensis E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 399. Sep - Dec 1911

species valid

Cycadeospermum marylandicum E.W. Berry Ser. Repts. Syst. Geol. & Paleont. Maryland, Maryland Geol. Surv., 4: 367. Sep - Dec 1911

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