Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65518

species valid

Coniatisporites haradensis H.P. Singh, P. Kumar Palaeobotanist, 1970, 19(2): 167. Mar 1972

species valid

Danaeopsis angustipinnata M.I. Brick Iskop. Fl. Ilek 18. 25 Apr 1952

species valid

Danaeopsis bipinnata M.I. Brick Iskop. Fl. Ilek 17. 25 Apr 1952

species valid

Danaeopsis bukobaica Vladimirovich Trudy Inst. Geol. Geokhim. Ural'sk. Nauchn. Tsentra Akad. Nauk SSSR, (96): 89. 11 Dec 1972

species valid

Danaeopsis emarginata M.I. Brick Iskop. Fl. Ilek 16. 25 Apr 1952

species valid

Danaeopsis tenuis Mogutcheva in Surkov Novye Vidy Drevn. Rast. Bespozv. Faneroz. Sibiri 13. 1 Dec 1987

species valid

Lomatopteris desnoyersii (Brongn.) Saporta Paléont. Franç., Sér. 2, Vég., 1([9]): 414. Dec 1872

species valid

Lomatopteris minima Saporta Paléont. Franç., Sér. 2, Vég., 1([9]): 413. Dec 1872

species valid

Lomatopteris cirinica Saporta Paléont. Franç., Sér. 2, Vég., 1([9]): 409. Dec 1872

species valid

Schizolepidella gracilis T. Halle Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Südpol.-Exped. 1901-1903, 3(14): 90. 22 Jan 1913

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