Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65518

species valid

Marchantites jimboi Krysht. Ezheg. Russk. Paleontol. Obshch., 1928-1929, 8: 147. 6 Apr 1930

species valid

Marchantites jacutensis Budants. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad), 53(1): 10. 5 Feb 1968

species unavailable

Marchantites baicalensis Prynada Mezoz. Fl. Vost. Sibiri Zabajk. 79. 24 May 1962

species valid

Hepaticites metzgerioides J. Walton Ann. Bot. (Oxford), 42(167): 707. Jul 1928

species valid

Hepaticites devonicus Hueber Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 48(2): 126. May 1961

species valid

Hepaticites willsiae J. Walton ex Troll in Hirmer Handb. Paläobot., 1: 139. 1 Nov 1927

species valid

Hepaticites kidstonii J. Walton ex Troll in Hirmer Handb. Paläobot., 1: 141. 1 Nov 1927

species unavailable

Hepaticites langii J. Walton ex Troll in Hirmer Handb. Paläobot., 1: 141. 1 Nov 1927

species valid

Blasiites lobatus (J. Walton ex Troll) R.M. Schust. Hepat. Anthocer. N. Amer., 1: 354. 1 Oct 1966

species valid

Hepaticites lobatus J. Walton ex Troll in Hirmer Handb. Paläobot., 1: 141. 1 Nov 1927

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