Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65523

species valid

Schefflera sarmatica Kolak. in Kolak., Schakr. Ak̄uat. Abotan. Bah̦ča Ausumţ., 1976, (22): 110. 19 Jan 1977

species valid

Schefflera pontica Kolak. Monogr. Sukhumsk. Bot. Sada, (1): 56. 18 Jul 1964

species valid

Boerlagiodendron grandidentatum Kolak. Monogr. Sukhumsk. Bot. Sada, (1): 52. 18 Jul 1964

species valid

Cyclosorus aizuensis Kei. Suzuki Sci. Rep. Fac. Arts Fukushima Univ., (10): 18. 15 Mar 1961

species valid

Frenela europaea R. Ludw. Palaeontographica, 5(6): 136. Dec 1858

species valid

Spirodela mironovii Palib. Ezheg. Vseross. Paleontol. Obshch., 1937, 11: 133. 20 Dec 1938

species valid

Parrotia gracilis Heer Beitr. Naturk. Preuss., (2): 42. 13 Aug 1869

non-fossil species valid

Lychnothamnus barbatus Leonh. Lotos 13: 57. 1863.

species unavailable

Lychnothamnus breviovatus H.-N. Lu, Q.-X. Luo Talimu Pendi lunzao huashi 93, 216. Jul 1990

species valid

Heptapleurum integrifolium Kolak. Ak̄uat. Abotan. Bah̦ča Ausumţ., 12: 224. 2 Apr 1960

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