Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65523

species valid

Distylium uralense T. Kolesn. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad), 46(12): 1818. 20 Dec 1961

species valid

Distylium chiharu-hirayae Mits. Suzuki, K. Terada I.A.W.A. J., 17(4): 379. 1996

species valid

Stewartia notoensis Mits. Suzuki, K. Terada I.A.W.A. J., 17(4): 377. 1996

species valid

Camellia japonoxyla Mits. Suzuki, K. Terada I.A.W.A. J., 17(4): 375. 1996

species valid

Castanopsis zonata (A. Selm.) Mits. Suzuki, K. Terada I.A.W.A. J., 17(4): 373. 1996

species valid

Castanea bavarica (A. Selm.) Mits. Suzuki, K. Terada I.A.W.A. J., 17(4): 373. 1996

species valid

Castanea makinoi (Ogura) Mits. Suzuki, K. Terada I.A.W.A. J., 17(4): 373. 1996

species valid

Castanopsis uchiuraensis Mits. Suzuki, K. Terada I.A.W.A. J., 17(4): 371. 1996

species valid

Tumion burejense Pojark. in Schischk., A.I. Smirn., V.A. Engelh. Prezidentu V. L. Komarovu ed. 1939 646. 28 Mar 1940

species valid

Torreya mioxyla Mits. Suzuki, K. Terada I.A.W.A. J., 17(4): 369. 1996

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