Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65491

species valid

Goniopteris patagoniana E.W. Berry Special Pap. Geol. Soc. Amer., 12: 55. 15 Jul 1938

species valid

Teuschestanthes squamata Crepet, Nixon, A. Weeks Amer. J. Bot., 105(8): 3 [1414]. 3 Aug 2018

species valid

Paraphyllanthoxylon marylandense Herendeen Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 69(4): 278. 6 Sep 1991

species valid

Perseanthus crossmanensis Herendeen, Crepet, Nixon Pl. Syst. Evol., 189(1–2): 31. Mar 1994

species valid

Chloranthistemon endressii P.R. Crane, Friis, K.R. Pedersen Pl. Syst. Evol., 165: 214. Sep 1989

species valid

Chloranthistemon crossmanensis Herendeen, Crepet, Nixon Amer. J. Bot., 80(8): 868. 16 Aug 1993

species valid

Raritaniflora glandulosa Crepet, Nixon, Daghlian Int. J. Pl. Sci., 174(3): 577. Mar 2013

species valid

Raritaniflora sphaerica Crepet, Nixon, Daghlian Int. J. Pl. Sci., 174(3): 576. Mar 2013

species valid

Raritaniflora tomentosa Crepet, Nixon, Daghlian Int. J. Pl. Sci., 174(3): 573. Mar 2013

species valid

Geminispermum virginiense Friis, P.R. Crane, K.R. Pedersen Acta Palaeobot., 59(2): 231. 16 Dec 2019

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