Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 64354

species unavailable

Porochara decursiva Zhi Wang, R.-J. Huang, S. Wang Yunnan Zhongshengdai Huashi, 1: 70. Dec 1976

species unavailable

Porochara oblonga Zhi Wang, R.-J. Huang, S. Wang Yunnan Zhongshengdai Huashi, 1: 70. Dec 1976

species unavailable

Nodosoclavator puchangheensis Zhi Wang, R.-J. Huang, S. Wang Yunnan Zhongshengdai Huashi, 1: 69. Dec 1976

species valid

Flabellochara xiangyunensis Zhi Wang, R.-J. Huang, S. Wang Yunnan Zhongshengdai Huashi, 1: 68. Dec 1976

species unavailable

Nymphaeites charpentieri Casp. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Series 4, 6(4): 216. 1857

species valid

Nymphaeites ligniticus (P. Wessel, C.O. Weber) Casp. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Series 4, 6(4): 209. 1857

species valid

Nymphaeites weberi Casp. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Series 4, 6(4): 205. 1857

species valid

Nelumbites schweinfurthii (Fritel in Barthoux, Fritel) Kräusel Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Abt., Neue Folge, 47: 42. 16 Feb 1940

species valid

Phyllites rozierei Fritel in Barthoux, Fritel Mém. Inst. Égypte, 7(2): 114. 1925

species valid

Nelumbo schweinfurthii Fritel in Barthoux, Fritel Mém. Inst. Égypte, 7(2): 106. 1925

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