Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 64343

species valid

Stomochara ascidiiformis Kisiel. Vopr. Geol. Juzhn. Urala & Povolzh., (19): 3. 11 Nov 1980

species valid

Cuneatochara recta Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 105. 4 Oct 1993

species valid

Cuneatochara vjatkiensis Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 104. 4 Oct 1993

species unavailable

Stellatochara wangii (Saidak.) Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 101, 104. 4 Oct 1993

species valid

Stellatochara bulbacea Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 103. 4 Oct 1993

species valid

Stellatochara liuae Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 103. 4 Oct 1993

species valid

Altochara lipatovae (Kisiel.) Saidak. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1968, (2): 105. 8 Jul 1968

species valid

Stellatochara aizhanae Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 102. 4 Oct 1993

species valid

Stellatochara huangii Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 102. 4 Oct 1993

species unavailable

Luichara nanpiaoensis (Zhen Wang) Kisiel. Paleontol. Zhurn., 1993, (3): 100. 4 Oct 1993

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