Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 64253

species valid

Rhus turkestanica Pulat. in Dzhal. Novye Vidy Faneroz. Fauny Fl. Tadzhik. 175. 1990

species valid

Ephedra sumsarica Pulat. in Dzhal. Novye Vidy Faneroz. Fauny Fl. Tadzhik. 173. 1990

species valid

Fothergilla grandis Pulat. in Dzhal. Novye Vidy Faneroz. Fauny Fl. Tadzhik. 174. 1990

species valid

Scougouphyton abdallahense H. Termier, G. Termier Bull. Soc. Géol. France, Series 5 [1950], (4-6): 206. Feb 1951

species valid

Aneurophyton maroccanum H. Termier, G. Termier Bull. Soc. Géol. France, Series 5 [1950], (4-6): 204. Feb 1951

species valid

Rhysocaryoxylon madsenii Sakala, Gryc Bull. Geol. Soc. Denmark, 59: 46. Dec 2011

species unavailable

Caesalpinioxylon eocenicum Koeniguer Compt. Rend. Congr. Natl. Soc. Savantes, Sec. Sci., 95(1970), 3: 68. Apr - Jun 1975

species valid

Tiemassaxylon eocenicum Koeniguer Compt. Rend. Congr. Natl. Soc. Savantes, Sec. Sci., 95(1970), 3: 68. Apr - Jun 1975

species unavailable

Simaroubaceoxylon taibaense (Koeniguer) J.-P. Gros Rev. Gén. Bot., 90(1067/1069): 168. 1983

species valid

Irvingioxylon taibaense Koeniguer Compt. Rend. Congr. Natl. Soc. Savantes, Sec. Sci., 95(1970), 3: 64. Apr - Jun 1975

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