Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 64273

species valid

Sporotrapoidites illingensis W. Klaus Bot. Not., 1954, (2): 122-123. 22 Jun 1954

species valid

Porochara disca Kisiel. Vopr. Geol. Juzhn. Urala & Povolzh., 4(1): 43. 11 Aug 1967

species valid

Porochara dergatschiensis Kisiel. Vopr. Geol. Juzhn. Urala & Povolzh., 4(1): 42. 11 Aug 1967

species valid

Stenochara saratoviensis Kisiel. Vopr. Geol. Juzhn. Urala & Povolzh., 4(1): 41. 11 Aug 1967

species valid

Auerbachichara baskuntschakiensis Kisiel. Vopr. Geol. Juzhn. Urala & Povolzh., 4(1): 41. 11 Aug 1967

species valid

Auerbachichara starozhilovae Kisiel. Vopr. Geol. Juzhn. Urala & Povolzh., 4(1): 40. 11 Aug 1967

species valid

Auerbachichara achtubiensis Kisiel. Vopr. Geol. Juzhn. Urala & Povolzh., 4(1): 39. 11 Aug 1967

species valid

Auerbachichara saidakovskyi Kisiel. Vopr. Geol. Juzhn. Urala & Povolzh., 4(1): 38. 11 Aug 1967

species valid

Amblyochara begudiana Grambast Naturalia Monspel., Sér. Bot., (14): 79. Oct - Dec 1963

species valid

Mesochara stantonii (Knowlt.) Grambast Naturalia Monspel., Sér. Bot., (14): 79. Oct - Dec 1963

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