Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65500

species valid

Terminalioxylon sahnii Navale Palaeobotanist, 1955, 4: 36. Dec 1956

species valid

Terminalioxylon mortandrense Navale Palaeobotanist, 1955, 4: 35. Dec 1956

species valid

Pahudioxylon arcotense Navale Palaeobotanist, 1962, 11(1-2): 58, 61. Apr 1963

species valid

Caesalpinioxylon felixii Navale Palaeobotanist, 1962, 11(1-2): 61, 64. Apr 1963

species valid

Acacioxylon bharadwaji Navale Palaeobotanist, 1962, 11(1-2): 54, 57. Apr 1963

species valid

Acacioxylon tenax Felix in Felix, H. Lenk Beitr. Geol. Mexiko, 2(1): 49. 7 Jul 1893

species valid

Pseudofrenelopsis felixii Nath. in Felix, H. Lenk Beitr. Geol. Mexiko, 2(1): 52. 7 Jul 1893

species valid

Cupressinoxylon bibbinsii Knowlt. Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv., (152): 79. Oct 1898

species unavailable

Cupressinoxylon bibbinsii Knowlt. Science, 3(68): 584. 17 Apr 1896

species valid

Carex clarkii E.W. Berry Amer. Naturalist, 39(462): 347. Jun 1905

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