Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65525

species valid

Acer megalopterix Unger Chlor. Protogaea, (8-9): 135. 6-9 Oct 1847

species valid

Acer eupterigium Unger Chlor. Protogaea, (8-9): 135. 6-9 Oct 1847

species valid

Acer pegasinum Unger Chlor. Protogaea, (8-9): 135. 6-9 Oct 1847

species valid

Cottaites lapidariorum Unger in Endl. Gen. Pl., Supplement 2: 102. Mar - Jun 1842

species unavailable

Quercoxylon viticulosum (Endl.) Müll.-Stoll, Mädel Senckenberg. Leth., 38(3-4): 138. 16 Oct 1957

species valid

Schleidenites compositus Unger in Endl. Gen. Pl., Supplement 2: 102. Mar - Jun 1842

species valid

Bronnites antigoensis Unger in Endl. Gen. Pl., Supplement 2: 102. Mar - Jun 1842

species valid

Meyenites aequimontanus Unger in Endl. Gen. Pl., Supplement 2: 102. Mar - Jun 1842

species valid

Withamia styriaca Unger in Endl. Gen. Pl., Supplement 2: 102. Mar - Jun 1842

species valid

Pritchardia insignis Unger in Endl. Gen. Pl., Supplement 2: 102. Mar - Jun 1842

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