Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 2107

supragenus valid

Family Sporophyllitaceae Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xvi. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Class Dictyopteridiopsida Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xvii. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Family Breyteniaceae Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xvii. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Order Lidgettoniales Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xvii. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Family Denkaniaceae Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xvii. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Family Parthaceae Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xvii. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Subphylum Caytoniophytina Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xxi. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Order Ferugliocladales Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xix. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Class Voltziopsida Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xviii. 28 Dec 2001

supragenus valid

Subclass Umaltolepididae Doweld Prosyllabus Tracheoph. xxi. 28 Dec 2001

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