Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2025

THE INTERNATIONAL FOSSIL PLANT NAMES INDEX (IFPNI) is a comprehensive literature based record of the scientific names of all fossil plants, algae, fungi, allied prokaryotic forms, protists (ambiregnal organisms) and microproblematica. IFPNI provides an authoritative online, open-access, community-generated registry of fossil plant nomenclature as a service to the global scientific community. Dynamic database documents all nomenclatural novelties (new scientific names of extinct organisms) and associated data, including registration of the scientific publications containing nomenclatural acts and authors generated taxonomic literature in palaeobotany and palaeontology in general.
IFPNI accommodates the registration of three different kinds of data objects:
  1. Scientific names of fossil plants, algae, fungi, cyanobacteria and related
  2. Publications containing nomenclatural acts and scientific names (taxonomic literature).
  3. Authors of publications containing nomenclatural acts and scientific names.
  4. The online registration of the fossil plant names, authors of taxonomic (palaeobotanical) literature, and palaeobotanical works was launched in 2014.

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