Genus Noferinia Lupia, Herendeen, J.A. Keller Int. J. Pl. Sci., 163(4): 676. Jul 2002
- Name
- Noferinia
- Rank
- Genus
- Authors (Pub.)
- Lupia R. A.
Herendeen P. S.
Keller J. A.
- Publication
- A new fossil flower and associated coprolites: evidence for angiosperm‐insect interactions in the Santonian (Late Cretaceous) of Georgia, U.S.A. [2002/7]
- Journal
- International Journal of Plant Sciences
- Volume
- 163
- Issue
- 4
- Page number
- 676
- Year
- 2002
- Parent Taxon
- [Class] Magnoliopsida
- Fossil Status
- flowers
- Type
- Noferinia fusicarpa
- Diagnosis
- Flowers epigynous, perfect, and borne
on pedicels in dense, subspherical inflorescences. Flowers subtended
by two bracteoles. Perianth in two distinct whorls with
synsepalous calyx and sympetalous corolla. Androecium of
multiple tetrasporangiate stamens, inserting separately from
the corolla tube (exact number unknown). Ovary inferior, syncarpous,
trilocular. Styles united basally with three (rarely four)
free distal lobes. Ovary walls distinctly ribbed and covered by
thick trichomes. Numerous pores around the base of the style.
Pollen tricolporate or tetracolporate, reticulate, and tectate.
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