Genus Floratheca K. Lundgren, Cúneo, Escapa, Tomescu Int. J. Pl. Sci., 180(7): 000 [2]. 22 Jul 2019
- Name
- Floratheca
- Rank
- Genus
- Authors (Pub.)
- Lundgren K. R.
Cúneo N. R.
Escapa I. H.
Tomescu A. M. F.
- Publication
- A new marattialean fern from the Lower Permian of Patagonia (Argentina) with cautionary tales on synangial morphology and pinnule base characters [2019/7]
- Journal
- International Journal of Plant Sciences
- Volume
- 180
- Issue
- 7
- Page number
- 000 [2]
- Year
- 2019
- Parent Taxon
- [Class] Marattiopsida
- Fossil Status
- foliage (fertile)
- Type
- Floratheca apokalyptika
- Diagnosis
- Pinnately compound foliage, fronds at
least bipinnate. Ultimate pinnae with decurrent attachment to
penultimate rachis. Basalmost pinnule basiscopic. Pinnules with
free bases attached to ultimate rachis by decurrent midvein.
Synangia in two rows, one on each side of pinnule midvein, attached
along lateral veins. Synangia radially symmetrical. Sporangia
exannulate, fusiform. Developing synangium globose
with fully fused sporangia predehiscence. Sporangia spreading
radially, with free tips at dehiscence.
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