Dalembia argentea
Dalembia argentea Yudova, Golovn. in Yudova, Golovn., P.I. Alexeev Paleobot., 7: 70. 2016
- Name
- Dalembia argentea
- Rank
- Species
- Generic Name
- [Genus] Dalembia
- Authors (Name)
- Yudova D. A.
Golovneva L. B.
- Authors (Pub.)
- Yudova D. A.
Golovneva L. B.
Alexeev P. I.
- Publication
- Rasprostranenie roda Dalembia E. Lebedev et Herman (Magnoliophyta) v pozdnemelovykh florakh Severnoj Patsifiki [2016]
- Journal
- Paleobotanika
- Volume
- 7
- Page number
- 70
- Year
- 2016
- Fossil Status
- leaves
- Stratigraphy
- Coniacian
- Strat. comment
- Chingandzha Formation
- Location
- Kananyga River basin, northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, Magadan region, Russian Federation
- Paleoregion
- Eurasia (Far East)
Data for Holotypus
- Repository
- Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation
- Repository Number
- 1565/355
- Diagnosis
- Leaves compound, imparipinnate. Lateral leaflets from narrowly ovate or narrowly elliptical to lanceolate, lobed or dentate, 3—8 cm in length and 1,5—4 cm in width, with tapering acute triangular
apices and cuneate, truncate or rounded bases. Lobes short, triangular with acute or obtuse apices, usually
tooth-like near leaflet apex; basal lobes are the most developed and sometimes have small teeth on the lower
side. Apical leaflets bigger and wider than lateral ones, with more developed lobes, elliptical, ovate or rhomboidal in outline. Venation pinnate, or pinnate-palmate, craspedodromous or sometimes semicraspedodromous, with 4—7 pairs of secondary veins and numerous interstitial veins between them.