Fokienia ravenscragensis
Fokienia ravenscragensis McIver, Basinger Canad. J. Bot., 68(7): 1610. 14 Aug 1990
- Name
- Fokienia ravenscragensis
- Rank
- Species
- Generic Name
- [Genus] Fokienia
- Authors (Pub.)
- McIver E. E.
Basinger J. F.
- Publication
- Fossil seed cones of Fokienia (Cupressaceae) from the Paleocene Ravenscrag Formation of Saskatchewan, Canada [1990/8]
- Journal
- Canadian Journal of Botany
- Volume
- 68
- Issue
- 7
- Page number
- 1610
- Year
- 1990
- Fossil Status
- leafy twigs (with cones)
- Stratigraphy
- Paleocene
- Strat. comment
- Ravenscrag Formation
- Location
- Ravenscrag Butte,
17 km southwest of Eastend, Saskatchewan, Canada
- Paleoregion
- America (North)
Data for Holotypus
- Repository Number
- US3-167
Data for Paratypus
- Repository Number
- US3-22; US3-26; US3-43
- Diagnosis
- Foliage frond-like; branching pinnate, opposite, forming flat
sprays without overlapping of branches. Branches well separated
on axis, arising in the axils of lateral leaves, 5.0-
35.0 mm apart, diverging from midline at angles of 3040"
on twigs, 40-50" on major axes. Leaves scale-like, thin,
whorled, four-ranked, persistent. Facial keaves obovate to narrow
oblanceolate, appressed, 2.5-20.0 mm long, 1.5-2.0 mm
wide, length to which ratio 2:l to 11:l; apex acuminate or
mucronate, thickened; midline conspicuous. Lateral leaves
lanceolate, folded, decurrent, commonly falcate, 2.5-20.0 mm
long, 0.5-1.5 mm wide; length to width ratio 3:l to 13:l; apex
acute or attenuate, leaf tip closely appressed to facial leaf, very
rarely free; lateral margins distinctly thickened, juncture of lateral
leaves concealed by preceding facial leaves. Seed cones
borne in opposite pairs, terminating stout peduncles
5.0-6.0 mm long, 1.0-1.5 mm in diameter, persistent on axis
after seed dispersal; dehisced cones subglobose, about 12.0
mm long, 10.0 mm wide. Cone scales 8-10, woody, decussate,
valvate, peltate, 0.4-0.6 mm long, 0.4-0.5 mm wide,
with shield rhomboid in shape, inner surfaces longitudinally
striate, outer surface adorned by centrally positioned umbo,
0.1 mm long. Pollen cones and seeds not known.