Podocarpophyllum takhtajanicum
Podocarpophyllum takhtajanicum Nosova, Kiritch. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad), 95(6): 851. 25 Jun 2010
- Name
- Podocarpophyllum takhtajanicum
- Rank
- Species
- Generic Name
- [Genus] Podocarpophyllum
- Authors (Pub.)
- Nosova N. V.
Kiritchkova A. I.
- Publication
- Novyj vid roda Podocarpophyllum (Coniferales) iz nizhnejurskikh otlozhenij Mangyshlaka (Kazakhstan) [2010/6]
- Journal
- Botanicheskii Zhurnal
- Volume
- 95
- Issue
- 6
- Page number
- 851
- Year
- 2010
- Fossil Status
- foliage
- Stratigraphy
- Lower Jurassic
- Strat. comment
- Kokala suite
- Location
- Sary Su mountain, Mangyshlak peninsula, Kazakhstan
- Paleoregion
- Eurasia (Central Asia)
Data for Holotypus
- Repository
- Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation
- Repository Number
- 88-261/757
- Diagnosis
- Leaves wit11 аснtе арех, 1.0- 2.5 mш wide. Cells of t1ррег epidennis аге narrow and very elongated, sometimes fusifonn. Anticlinal walls are straigl1t, periclinal wall is нneven; cell angles are roнnded. Cells oftl1e stoшatal bands and several rows of cells along tlle stoшatal bands llave several Iarge papillae.