Global registry of scientific names of fossil organisms covered by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature © 2014-2024


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Total: 65491

species valid

Divisestylus longistamineus Hermsen, Gandolfo, Nixon, Crepet Amer. J. Bot., 90(9): 1379. 15 Sep 2003

species valid

Divisestylus brevistamineus Hermsen, Gandolfo, Nixon, Crepet Amer. J. Bot., 90(9): 1374. 15 Sep 2003

species valid

Paleoenkianthus sayrevillensis Crepet, Nixon Amer. J. Bot., 80(6): 617. 15 Jun 1993

species valid

Microaltingia apocarpela Z.-K. Zhou, Crepet, Nixon Amer. J. Bot., 88(5): 755. 15 May 2001

species valid

Paleoclusia chevalieri Crepet, Nixon Amer. J. Bot., 85(9): 1124. 17 Aug 1998

species valid

Detrusandra mystagoga Crepet, Nixon Amer. J. Bot., 85(9): 1277. 17 Sep 1998

species valid

Cronquistiflora sayrevillensis Crepet, Nixon Amer. J. Bot., 85(9): 1273. 17 Sep 1998

species valid

Boodlepteris turoniana Gandolfo in Gandolfo, Nixon, Crepet, G.E. Ratcl. Amer. J. Bot., 84(4): 485. 17 Apr 1997

species valid

Amboystrobus cretacicum Gandolfo, Nixon, Crepet Pl. Syst. Evol., 226: 188. Apr 2001

species valid

Lygodium bierhorstianum Gandolfo, Nixon, Crepet, G.E. Ratcl. Pl. Syst. Evol., 231: 114. Mar 2000

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