Genus Pentakonos F. Herrera, G. Shi, P. Knopf, A.B. Leslie, Ichinn., Mas. Takah., P.R. Crane, Herendeen Int. J. Pl. Sci., 178(1): 21. 7 Nov 2016
- Name
- Pentakonos
- Rank
- Genus
- Authors (Pub.)
- Herrera F.
Shi G.-L.
Knopf P.
Leslie A. B.
Ichinnorov N.
Takahashi M.
Crane P. R.
Herendeen P. S.
- Publication
- Cupressaceae conifers from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia [2016/11]
- Journal
- International Journal of Plant Sciences
- Volume
- 178
- Issue
- 1
- Page number
- 21
- Year
- 2016
- Parent Taxon
- [Order] Cunninghamiales
- Fossil Status
- cones (female)
- Type
- Pentakonos diminutus
- Diagnosis
- Seed cones bearing at least 25–30 persistent, helically arranged, imbricated bract-scale complexes. Bract-scale complexes composed of a slender basal stalk and a foliate head. Bract thin, papery, bilaterally symmetrical, rhomboidal in outline, and with a minutely toothed margin. Ovuliferous
scale separates from the adaxial surface of the bract distal to the point of seed attachment. Ovuliferous scale bearing five seeds, unlobed with a sinuous or minutely toothed margin. Seeds positioned in upper half of bract-scale complex, with seed scars more or less widely spaced and arranged in
two separate rows, always with three proximal and two distal scars. Seeds winged, inverted (i.e., the micropyle directed toward the cone axis), very thin, and strongly flattened. Seed more or less symmetrical but with a laterally placed attachment scar. Wing developed from the seed integument.
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