Pentakonos diminutus
Pentakonos diminutus F. Herrera, G. Shi, P. Knopf, A.B. Leslie, Ichinn., Mas. Takah., P.R. Crane, Herendeen Int. J. Pl. Sci., 178(1): 21. 7 Nov 2016
- Name
- Pentakonos diminutus
- Rank
- Species
- Generic Name
- [Genus] Pentakonos
- Authors (Pub.)
- Herrera F.
Shi G.-L.
Knopf P.
Leslie A. B.
Ichinnorov N.
Takahashi M.
Crane P. R.
Herendeen P. S.
- Publication
- Cupressaceae conifers from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia [2016/11]
- Journal
- International Journal of Plant Sciences
- Volume
- 178
- Issue
- 1
- Page number
- 21
- Year
- 2016
- Fossil Status
- cones (female)
- Stratigraphy
- Albian
- Strat. comment
- Aptian
- Location
- Tevshiin Govi coal mine, central Mongolia
- Paleoregion
- Eurasia (Asia)
Data for Holotypus
- Repository
- Field Museum, Chicago, USA
- Repository Number
- PP56110
Data for Paratypus
- Repository
- Field Museum, Chicago, USA
- Repository Number
- PP56111, PP56112
- Diagnosis
- As for the genus with the following additions: Seed cone small, ca. 6.6–7.0 mm long, ca. 4.7–6.4 mm wide, more or less elliptical to slightly obovate in lateral outline. Bract-scale complexes ca. 2.6–3.2 mm long, 1.9–3.0 mm
wide, 47–57 mm thick, borne at acute angles, ca. 557–307. Base of bract cuneate, apex mucronate. Margin thinner (!35 mm thick) than rest of the bract, winglike, with irregularly spaced and acute teeth. Ovuliferous scale located in the distal third of the bract, free, and forming a single, thin, broad, arc-like membranous structure. Seeds with a short tubular micropyle. Seed
scars rounded, elliptical to triangular.