Genus Demorhethium Loebl., Wicander Neues Jahrb. Geol. Paläontol., Monatsh., 1974, (12): 708. Dec 1974
- Name
- Demorhethium
- Rank
- Genus
- Authors (Pub.)
- Loeblich A. R., Jr.
Wicander E. R.
- Publication
- New Early Devonian (Late Gedinnian) microphytoplankton: Demorhethium lappaceum n. g., n. sp., from the Bois d'Arc Formation of Oklahoma, U.S.A. [1974/12]
- Journal
- Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte
- Annee/Jahrgang
- 1974
- Issue
- 12
- Page number
- 708
- Year
- 1974
- Parent Taxon
- [Unranked] Acritarcha
- Fossil Status
- vesicles
- Type
- Demorhethium lappaceum
- Diagnosis
- Vesicle spherical to subangular in outline, with a variable number of short, stout, conical processes that taper little; distally processes are blunt and terminate in a crown of small flexible spinules; processes do not communicate with the vesicle; wall thin, that of the vesicle covered by a densely packed array of tiny, variously shaped projections resulting in a spongy wall surface, process walls smooth but commonly striate proximally and ornamented with tiny scattered verrucae; no pylome or excystment mechanism observed.
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